Janine Share

Senior Fundraising Executive

I manage our relationships with charitable trusts and foundations to secure ongoing support and identify new opportunities for funding of our technology packages.

I’ve had a diverse background in the charity sector; from Community Action Broadcasting on local radio, to Dogs for the Disabled as well as volunteering for organic gardening at the Henry Doubleday Association and trusteeship for both a local adult education charity and a childcare charity.
I managed a childcare charity for 10 years before joining Lifelites in 2011.

Childhood memory: Visits to Brighton Beach in the seemingly endless hot summers!

If you are connected with a charitable trust and foundation and want to know more about our work, please contact me on jshare@lifelites.org.

Meet some of our other staff members

Sophie Prat

Senior Communications & Marketing Officer

I work to promote the charity and raise awareness and understanding of our life-changing work, as well as supporting our fundraising and engagement activities.

Molly Acheson

Services Coordinator

I support the delivery of Lifelites’ services, liaising with palliative care partners receiving new technology packages, and leading on partner engagement.

Lucy Waring

Senior Engagement and Relationships Officer (North)

I work across the northern half of England and Wales as well as Scotland, building partnerships with businesses, organisations, community groups and Freemasons.